Rating category:
ESG Rating
ESG Rating
Rating description:
Change the text and make it your own. Click here to begin editing word longword longerword extralargeword evenmorelargerextralargeword word word. Change the text and make it your own. Click here to begin editing word longword longerword extralargeword evenmorelargerextralargeword word word.Change the text and make it your own. Click here to begin editing word longword longerword extralargeword evenmorelargerextralargeword word word. Change the text and make it your own. Click here to begin editing word longword longerword extralargeword evenmorelargerextralargeword word word. Change the text and make it your own. Click here to begin editing word longword longerword extralargeword evenmorelargerextralargeword word word.
Energy consumption
Social impact
Network diversification
Pollution and waste
Asset distribution
Network stability and incident
Aspiration to achieve net zero
Entry and usage barriers
Social impact
Key Findings |
Key Findings |
Key Findings |
What is the GCR ESG Rating?
Green Crypto Research's sustainability rating is the world's first ESG rating tailored to cryptocurrencies. It reflects a holistic assessment of coins and tokens in a relative ranking. We aspire to empower individuals and companies alike to invest in cryptocurrencies sustainability in mind.
Overall data quality ((good / average / poor)):
*Data quality below average for this data point
Last review:
Key metrics
Code license
Scalability (max. TPS)
Inflation rate
ø Daily transactions
ø Transaction fees
First block
Power consumption
Power consumption per transaction
Electronic waste p.a.
Tons of CO2 p.a.