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Green Crypto Research

The World's 1st
ESG Rating for Cryptocurrencies

At Green Crypto Research, we believe that blockchain technology plays a crucial role in transforming our societies and economies to become more sustainable. Our mission is to empower crypto enthusiasts and investors to identify responsible coins and tokens which fit your expectations, usage, or investments. As for us, crypto investments should not only boost the performance of our portfolios but also have a positive impact on our planet and our society. We are here to help you reach these goals!
Our research shows that easy-to-implement investment rules can substantially improve the environmental footprint of your crypto portfolio. Check out our 
research section for more info and be sure to look into our ESG rating for tokens as well.

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GCRS Rating
GCRS Rating
Updated Date
What is the GCR Sustainability Rating?

The GCR Sustainability Rating is the first ESG rating tailored to cryptocurrencies and adjusted accordingly. It reflects the holistic assessment of a cryptocurrency and is composed of three individual scores: 



The GCR Sustainability rating is a relative ranking, meaning that the best cryptocurrency in each category receives an A rating, while the worst receives a D rating. The rating is based on three individual ESG categories. An average score is calculated for each category. The overall rating corresponds to the worst ESG score so that failures in a single category cannot be compensated for by good scores in the other two. Thus, if a cryptocurrency is judged not to be environmentally sustainable, it cannot make up for the poor rating with adequate social standards or good governance.


Can be held and traded without negative environmental or social impact within a governed framework.

A+ | A-
With potential

Low environmental and/or social impact with potential governance optimizations. Can be held and traded if there is no better alternative.

B+ | B | B-
Not there yet

Negative environmental and/or social impact expected with potential governance issues. Trading and holding are to be avoided if possible.

C+ | C | C-
Not sustainable

Negative environmental and/or social impact with potential deficiencies in governance. Trading and holding are to be avoided altogether.

D+ | D-

Stay tuned for more and follow us on our social channels to get all the relevant news on sustainable cryptocurrencies.

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